Hello, fellow human.

My name is Tonks. I am a feral human, a transition guide, an artist, and a friend on the path. I love to assist fellow bipedal animals in deepening their connection with nature, and with their own inner nature.

Guiding Background
I have been guiding humans in nature for nine years now. My primary focus these days is offering nature-based rites of passage programs.

My experience as a nature-based guide also includes working many years as a wilderness therapy guide in Colorado and Utah, where I supported young adults and teens as they learn self-efficacy, emotional awareness, and wilderness skills. I also organize and lead Mindful Backpacking Retreats in partnership with Deer Park Monastery.

My guide lineage includes rites of passage training and apprenticing with The School of Lost Borders, many years of mindfulness practice, retreat organizing and retreat hosting as a long-term resident at Deer Park Monastery, as well as an educational background studying ecotherapy through Pacifica College.

My sleeping-in-the-dirt background includes backpacking along many developed and not-so-developed trails across the country including backpacking 800 miles on the Grand Enchantment Trail (Phoenix, AZ to Albuquerque, NM), paddling 1,515 miles around the entire coast of Florida on the Florida Circumnavigational Saltwater Paddling Trail, and section hiking the PCT to name a few.

My somatic background also includes facilitation and practice with Transformational Breathwork, as well as play and experimentation in the 5Rhythms dance world.

Art and Design Background

My background in art and design includes a BA in Fine Art with a focus on drawing, an MFA in graphic design from the Academy of Art in San Francisco, and twelve years working as a graphic designer, illustrator, and UX designer. I specialize in developing brand systems, hand-done typography and logos, and website development for small businesses.

I have been working as a machine-free tattoo artist for four years. Human connection is important to me, and I love that through the slow quiet process of hand-poking, I can form deep connection with my clients and help them to celebrate their life through corporeal art.

What Else?
I am at my best when immersed in nature. I like long porch coffee mornings. I enjoy watching the stars as we move through the universe. I currently reside somewhere between Lexington Virginia, the back of my pick-up truck, and a tent along a trail.